Well blog world, Rexy is now officially apart of this whole thing! Tonight I explained blogging in detail to my family while on speaker phone and let me tell you, Rexy is very excited. He would like to start a blog called Memoirs of a Lankan and was curious to know how many people would read it. He thinks thousands, I hope so, then my whole Rexy for president campaign will soar!! The process of explaining the process and creating a blog profile for my dad was a gong show. Probably because I was on speaker phone...the whole time, everyone was yelling and talking to each other..all I heard (at the same time) was:
mom- "look at his hair, timmy your hair is so long, you can braid it......not rexy for president, it should be red rexy..."
timmy- "frick, everyone is talking, dad...I cant.....everyone is talking....argh"
rexy (dad)- "timmy! timmy! ....tabitha, do you hear the way he talks to me...what company started this?...blogger, is it like a google?...is there spell check..will thousands read this?....i should write a book"
Needless to say, when Rexy for sure has a blog for all to read and comment on, it will definately be worth checking into. I cannot even believe how excited he was! Anyways, today was a good day, except for the first half, I wrote two midterms, they went okay, but I almost slept in!! If it wasnt for a text message from Austen S. then I would of missed my Religious Studies midterm..argh...although I was quite tired from the night before...because.......i ......got to see......(is the anticipation just killing you!) The Stills!
It was a awesome concert and there was a total of like 30 people at the most there...so a very, very intimate concert. Good music!
i am off to bed, oh i cant even wait!
also would like to give a little shout out to Kaylan, don't eat turnips.
tabby, I'm not going to lie. I always thought that "Rexy for President" had something to do with "Sexy Rexy". Ask Heather.
i think vanessa is cool!
I think Avey is cool
I think Heather is cool.
I felt left out because, well. I don't have a sister.
Hey...whose blog is this....
no "i think tabby's cool"
you all can get bent....
sorry i just really like saying that...really...i am sorry.
rexy Blogging it could work.
get bent...get bent...get bent! oh funny game!!! anyways i am getting bored!
I remember at CLBI listening to you talk to your family.
"No mom.....mom.....MOM...just listen.......just....just listen....mom......dad stop talking.....mom............................."
So funny.
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