Sunday, November 26, 2006

Stressed backwards is Desserts.......

So I have basically vanished from the face of the earth until the end of this week:
thursday I have two midterms , and a unit exam in psychology
and saturday I have a three hour exam in Religious Studies

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

what is skin?

Hey everyone,
not much new here but I thought I would share a really funny story between two 5 year old boys from work
I was at the desk, thinking up something completely profound of course, and I overheard these two boys having a serious serious conversation, and my favorite part was:
boy 1- then why do we have skin?
boy 2- (in a very harsh tone) ITS TO KEEP ALL THE BLOOD FROM FALLING OUT!!!
boy 1- (very calmly responded) no! no, its becuase the thunder and lighting comes out....
boy 2- (long pause....and cutest thinking face) ok
boy 1 and boy 2 carry on playing "guys" -which is when you play with figurines
after I heard that conversation I tried playing guys too....but apparently I am not good at it, because I dont do the sounds well enough...this is not the first time that I have been informed that I suck at playing "guys" (i think its mostly because when i do play, i make akward conversations with the other kids figurines instead of fight.....)

Monday, November 06, 2006


Well today I took a break from my essay writting to eat a "fun size" package of M&M's (regular..anything else sucks) with chopsticks. It was pretty amazing.
It put me in the zone for more essay writting.
So thats just a little update on what I have been doing, writting essays and eating M&M's with chopsticks.
I hope it improves your life somehow

"You do not sew with a fork, and I see no reason why you should eat with knitting needles."Miss Piggy, ‘Miss Piggy's Guide to Life' (1981)

Friday, November 03, 2006


una chica
you may have my bed and alarm clock
June (mom)- you may have my gerbil cage that once belonged to a faithful friend- Balthazar, in the hopes of replacing me with a gerbil, for comfort....