I had a very traumatic episode this morning in which I would like to share with you all.
This morning, around 06:37 hours, I was putting on a beigey- gold eyeshadow when low and behold, a twinkle came from a silver strand in my black hair!!!!!!
I have gray hair! (or just one gray hair)
Look what the stresses of education has done to me....woe....WOE....lol
I couldnt believe it. At first I thought it was pretty cool, and thought of putting a streak of silver gray in my hair. But then I thought people would think I am goth, and not that thats bad, I just wouldnt want people to think I was goth...nothing else about my image would compliment that role.
But after ..oh about 12 seconds....it hit me. I am graying at the ripe age of 21.
The end is near....the following may recieve these items at the time of my soon to be, demise.
Vanessa- You will be the sole care taker of Choo-Choo
Heather- The blue hoodie that you like to wear all the time.
Timothy- My guitar for when you become a huge rock and roll star
Rexy- All the plans for secret inventions, buisness ventures and ideas that I have accumulated.
Chelsea- My pillow
Austen- my music collection
Jeff- My soul
If anyone would like to claim anything please notify me before the end of this semester (in which I am sure I will become overwhelmed and die) so I can notify my lawyer assigned to my will.
I leave you now.

"Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all!.... his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mutes. "~Charles Dickens
can i have the jack johnson zip up too...and damn it tabby i wanted your soul!!! how rude!
well Tabby, to tell you the truth I'm a little hurt to hear that I was not considered for any of your material possesions or even given some sort of mention, if you should unfortunatly should leave this waking life. But I suppose I will have the pleasure and honour of your indifference for the rest of time.......siiiiiighhh......
tabby im sure everything will be all right. But in the case something dose happen you will be daerly missed.
a friend of mine got so stressed when she was in university that her eyelashes turned gray.
this is so exciting, I get your blue hoodie! wahoo! can I also have the camo hat I'm wearing right now, the black ring from Bolivia, your movie collection, and your beige sandals?! Oh and the bottle of whisky sitting on top of your computer?...to look at of course, not to drink...heehee...I hope I'm not being too greedy...
No Heather, not greedy at all..(slowly wiping tears from my cheek..)
I didn't know you were that excited to get all that stuff...ahem..oh and in regards to the whisky, it was a gift. I was being polite in keeping it.uhhh..its unopened still!!!!
Thought I would clarify that!
You have a Jack Johnson Zip Up?!?!? Damn, now your unattainable cool.
PS. Andrew Sorenson, your pretty funny.
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