I had a very traumatic episode this morning in which I would like to share with you all.
This morning, around 06:37 hours, I was putting on a beigey- gold eyeshadow when low and behold, a twinkle came from a silver strand in my black hair!!!!!!
I have gray hair! (or just one gray hair)
Look what the stresses of education has done to me....woe....WOE....lol
I couldnt believe it. At first I thought it was pretty cool, and thought of putting a streak of silver gray in my hair. But then I thought people would think I am goth, and not that thats bad, I just wouldnt want people to think I was goth...nothing else about my image would compliment that role.
But after ..oh about 12 seconds....it hit me. I am graying at the ripe age of 21.
The end is near....the following may recieve these items at the time of my soon to be, demise.
Vanessa- You will be the sole care taker of Choo-Choo
Heather- The blue hoodie that you like to wear all the time.
Timothy- My guitar for when you become a huge rock and roll star
Rexy- All the plans for secret inventions, buisness ventures and ideas that I have accumulated.
Chelsea- My pillow
Austen- my music collection
Jeff- My soul
If anyone would like to claim anything please notify me before the end of this semester (in which I am sure I will become overwhelmed and die) so I can notify my lawyer assigned to my will.
I leave you now.

"Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all!.... his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mutes. "~Charles Dickens