Okay, so today I did quite a random thing! I packed my bag...okay, I am not going to lie, I packed my bags and headed out to medicine hat! So here I am , I drove five hours and am going to spend a couple days here visiting with an old friend: JOYCE
This is so exciting for me..I was so bubbly the whole drive down...the heat didnt get me down, the butterflies splattered on my windshield didnt even get me down. I did have quite an embarrasing mishap though. I called home to let them know what was going on, and Rexy being the concerned Father that he is asked if i checked my water levels and oil?! what...how do you do that? So Rexy advised me to stop at the next gas station, and check water and oil. So I had just passed Swift Current...(dont ask where that is, because I wouldnt be able to tell you)..and I didnt know when the next stop would be! Then about an hour later, there she was...a lonesome, run down Esso station (I just totally made that up, I have no idea what gas company it was now) . So I parked my car, and pulled the latch to open the hood. Then I battled the hood for about three minutes.(this was the amount of time when the gas jockey and his group of friends realized they should probably stop snickering at the city girl and lend her a hand) So my knight in shining armour and his possy gather round and open my car hood for me. Then he asks what the problem was...and I explained that I was told I should check my water levels....the gas jockey and his friends had no idea what I was talking about so they left me there, trying to figure out where I would put the water if I had none.....Then fortunately a saint...we will name him John Smith came by, and realized I was in some desperate situation and explained it was not water but Engine Coolant and that I was okay to go. Siggh.....Oh John Smith....He truly was a hero....and as for the gas jockey and his gang....I hope they are stranded at that lonesome esso for the rest of their lives.! So for all of you who forget...remember to check your engine coolant before a random road trip!!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Here we go on the bus, the bus trips were one of the craziest parts of folk fest.....it reminded me of travelling in Sri Lanka or Haiti where theres always room for one more person (or a group of 10 give or take a few). Of course the condition of our buses are a little better and I dont think we would of been able to get away with letting people hang out of the doors, but never the less....it was a "cultural experience"

So here we were in Ireland....
sigh......sweet, sweet Ireland....how your green is somewhat greener.....

So here we were in Ireland....
sigh......sweet, sweet Ireland....how your green is somewhat greener.....
"An old broom knows the dirty corners best" Irish Proverb
I found two leprechauns....one named
Monday, August 21, 2006
Around the World in Three Days!
Hello blog world, yes it has been a long time! I was busy......no, I really was really busy! I worked all weekend and then during my free time I "folkfested!" It was my first folk fest and definately not the last, it was good times..(For anyone who doesnt know what folk fest is, its a celebration if you will....around the city are differnt pavillions from different countries...and you have a passport that allows you to check out all the pavillions . Its cool cause people of different heritages, countries and cultures show their true colors and you see and learn alot...).I loved how everyone in Saskatoon seemed to folk fest, it was awesome. I am not gonna lie, I was loving life.
There are too many stories to tell, so here are some pictures from my adventures! They should explain enough.
P.S. My goal for next year is to either make sure there is a Sri Lanken pavillion or create a story so good I can convince somebody I am 1/2 irish!......just for kicks....
Our ventures first started off in Norway. We had lefse, sailed on a viking ship and met alot of people that ended up being related to us!

Norwegian Proverb
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Okay, so today I did something quite refreshing. I was random and around 10:30 I walked to this park where I was sure if I sat at the top of a hill I would be able to watch the fireworks from a fair that is in town. So I sat on the top of a mini...mini...mini "hill" listening to Helen Stellar- This time around. It was freezing...and I was bundled up, but it was a pretty cool experience. I felt like I was watching the surrondings around me from a planes view....it was pretty surreal....and the fireworks were pretty lame..In total I saw about four fireworks..apparently it was farther than I thought. I think the best part of the night was just sitting...I love that, it was a clear night, and everything was pretty calm. I had my doubts about this adventure, cause the park was pitch black, and I kept freaking myself out with sounds that didnt actually happen and all...But sitting there reminded me of this ride in Disney Land, the Peter Pan Ride. I think its my favorite ever. You ride in Captain Hooks Pirate Ship, and fly over different locations and scenes from Nevernever Land and London. The best is when you fly over London, because its at night, and its like looking at a starry sky, all the buildings lights are on and everything its twinkly.
I love twinkly things.
I love twinkly things.

Monday, August 07, 2006
Weddings, Planes and Tunnels
Hello blog world, so I am back from B.C. Some of you may know, some of you may not, but two friends from CLBI got married this weekend.(Darby and Bryanna) It was a beautiful wedding, and good weekend all round, but I hate that it went by so fast. It was almost surreal, catching up with everyone, and then all of a sudden its over. Oh well, I guess thats how life is....So what is new with me.
I am sick.
I have this nasty head cold, and I hate it. I really want to just walk around with tissues wedged in my nose, but I dont think I would be able to make friends if I did that. Oh do you know what else I hate.....student loan applications...argh! Thats a whole other story that I wont even get into. So today was a very big day, I used my visa card for the first time...and it was pretty exciting, signing the reciept. With every swoosh of the pen for the dramatic loops in my signature I felt just a little more grown up. But I dont like the paranoia the credit card came with. Throughout the night I kept checking my wallet to make sure I had my card, and not some random hooligan who is recklessly spending money that I dont have! For all of you that were worried, thankfully each time I checked it was right where I left it...phew!
Down the mine I dreamed of cricket; I bowled imaginery balls in the dark; I sent the stumps spinning and heard them rattling in the tunnels. No mishap was going to stop me from bowling in the real game, especially this one.
Harold Larwood
I am sick.
I have this nasty head cold, and I hate it. I really want to just walk around with tissues wedged in my nose, but I dont think I would be able to make friends if I did that. Oh do you know what else I hate.....student loan applications...argh! Thats a whole other story that I wont even get into. So today was a very big day, I used my visa card for the first time...and it was pretty exciting, signing the reciept. With every swoosh of the pen for the dramatic loops in my signature I felt just a little more grown up. But I dont like the paranoia the credit card came with. Throughout the night I kept checking my wallet to make sure I had my card, and not some random hooligan who is recklessly spending money that I dont have! For all of you that were worried, thankfully each time I checked it was right where I left it...phew!
Down the mine I dreamed of cricket; I bowled imaginery balls in the dark; I sent the stumps spinning and heard them rattling in the tunnels. No mishap was going to stop me from bowling in the real game, especially this one.
Harold Larwood

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