Okay, so everyone is in the whole "tag" phase, and sure...I will join, any excuse to keep me from writting an essay that I have to finish tonight.
Okay so 5 Random facts about Tabitha Silva
1) You know that feeling you get in your spine and calves, when someone talks about something thats grosses you out. Popular hated items include: Spiders, snakes....ect. Well the thing that makes me jump and squirm is anything to do with fingernails, and teeth. Someone could briefly mention the fact they broke a nail and I cant handle it..If a kid at work shows me a loose tooth I tell them to leave it alone, and quickly leave in case I vomit. ....
2) Okay so first a little shout out to Austen and Heather my speech coaches. But I find it extremely difficult to say Casserole...I guess I have just grown up saying it Cazzerole...anyways, I get made fun of for it, but whocares...
3) In regards to this third fact I dont know where the name came from, but on my dad's side of the family there is a extra surname that is placed in front of your first name, so my technical whole name is:
Ethige, Tabitha Naomi Silva (not Gurneet, which is what Heather tells everyone is my first real name)
4) Okay, this random fact about me may not be a surprise to some of you...I get made fun of this alot, but I love "old lady desserts" Tapioca Pudding and Bread Pudding.Most people go for the typical chocolate, cheesecake and so on and so forth. I dont know..maybe its because I dont like teeth, and Pudding doesnt necessarily require the use of your teeth. Nevertheless there needs to be more Tapioca, and less everything else.
5) Another fact, that most would say I should be ashamed of, is, I love Benji. Growing up, my dad would always rent the Benji movies, and I would cry. I dont know what it is, but that little mut, warms my heart everytime I watch it. Long live Benji, may he rescue you at your more darkest time...
So there are 5 random things about Ethige,Tabitha Naomi Silva
I tag...Chelsea, and Celia....
Peace out A Town...